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Samples Of Reflective Essay Writing
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Effects of Class Size on Academic Achievement Essay
The Effects of Class Size on Academic Achievement - Essay Example As indicated by the investigation the quantity of instructors utilized would likewise increment requiring more salary, subsequently decreasing educator to-understudy proportion. Dynarsky, Hyman, and Schanzenbach, states that decrease in the class size builds the pace of class participation by the understudies. The higher the quantity of understudies that go to classes, the higher the scholastic accomplishment since numerous understudies would in the long run graduate and move to the following level. This augmentation in scholarly accomplishment was progressively huge in certain courses that experience high dropouts, for example, building, arithmetic, innovation, financial matters, and business contemplates. From this examination unmistakably littler class size guarantees better and closer connection between the understudies and the instructors. This cozy relationship guarantees appropriate comprehension of the schedule for the understudies, consequently better scholarly accomplishment, and it additionally increments students’ understanding in the investigations. Little class size has more effect on the scholarly accomplishment of small kids who will be unable to learn all alone and continually require teachers’ direction. Educators additionally thinks that its a lot more clear better and to perceive their students’ quality and shortcoming and work towards improving their scholastic accomplishment. In addition, enormous class size, particularly in secondary school has a bit of leeway in being energetic attributable to there being different characters brimming with fun, high vitality, and continually energizing. The class is rarely exhausting and is by all accounts an inspiration with numerous understudies ready to take an interest. It in the end energizes the two instructors and understudies consistently to go to classes and consequently decreasing non-appearance
Friday, August 21, 2020
USE OF Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane (DDT) in Ghana for Malaria Control
Utilization OF Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane (DDT) in Ghana for Malaria Control Free Online Research Papers Utilization OF Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane(DDT) in Ghana for Malaria Control The World Health Organization (WHO) in September 2006 declared that almost 30 years subsequent to eliminating the far reaching utilization of indoor showering with DDT and different bug sprays to control intestinal sickness, this mediation will by and by assume a significant job in its endeavors to battle the illness. Despite the fact that DDT has been prohibited from farming use in many nations it keeps on being utilized in constrained amounts for general wellbeing purposes. Nations keep on utilizing DDT basically on the grounds that they can't bear the cost of solid other options or don't have the ability to create them. DDT which was broadly utilized in Ghana for farming and general wellbeing objects was authoritatively restricted in 1985 because of its harming consequences for human wellbeing and nature. The Environmental Protection Agency is the administrative body in Ghana with the order to enroll pesticides for use in the nation. Ongoing proclamations by the WHO suggesting the re-presentation of DDT for illness vector control have required the readiness of this paper, which gives an outline on the status of DDT comparable to some universal shows and the Pesticides Control and Management Act, 1996 (Act 528) to outfit government with the applicable data on the compound. 2.0 Status of DDT comparable to the Stockholm Convention The Stockholm Convention on POPs went into power on seventeenth May 2004 with a goal to shield human wellbeing and the earth from Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) which incorporate DDT. Ghana sanctioned the Convention and is in this manner obliged to submit to its arrangements. The Convention contains subtleties of conditions under which DDT might be delivered and utilized in any nation (Annex B, Part II of the Stockholm Convention). These are as per the following: 1. DDT might be created and utilized uniquely for ailment vector control and as indicated by the proposals and rules of the World Health Organization. DDT might be utilized when protected, successful and reasonable choices are not locally accessible in a nation. 2. The WHO suggests just indoor leftover neutering of DDT for malady vector control. 3. A nation that chooses to deliver as well as use DDT for ailment vector control is required to advise the Convention Secretariat and the WHO. All nations that so tell the Secretariat will be entered in an open register. 4. Every three years, every nation that utilizes DDT will be required to give to the Convention Secretariat and the WHO data on the measure of DDT utilized, the conditions under which it is being utilized, and how such use identifies with the country’s infection the executives procedure. The detailing will be completed in an organization to be controlled by the Conference of Parties in meeting with the WHO. 5. Countries utilizing DDT will be upheld and urged to reinforce their vector control programs. The expectation is to diminish and eventually kill the utilization of DDT after some time, by making such utilize superfluous. In this association, every nation will be helped to build up a national activity plan that will include: a. The improvement of administrative and different systems to guarantee that DDT is utilized distinctly for infection vector control b. The usage of elective items, techniques, and methodologies, including vector obstruction the executives systems to guarantee that the DDT choices stay powerful. In growing such DDT options, satisfactory thought will be given to guaranteeing that practical options present less hazard to human wellbeing and nature, and furthermore that the choices are appropriate for sickness control inside the specific setting of every nation. 3.0 Status of DDT according to the Rotterdam Convention The Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) methodology for certain dangerous synthetic compounds and pesticides in global exchange came into power in February 2004. Ghana sanctioned the show and DDT is recorded among the synthetic substances subject to the PIC system. The suggestion is that Ghana needs to look for or counsel its exchange accomplices if DDT ought to be brought into the nation. 4.0 Status of DDT corresponding to the Pesticides Control and Management Act, 1996 (Act 528). The Pesticides Control and Management Act, 1996 (Act 528) specifies that ‘No individual will import, trade, make, appropriate, promote sell or utilize any pesticide in Ghana except if the pesticide has been enlisted by the Environmental Protection Agency as per this Act’. DDT has been restricted and is at present precluded for use in the nation. Under Act 528, a pesticide is prohibited when its utilization as per across the board normally perceived practice even within the sight of extra administrative limitations will cause nonsensical unfavorable impact on individuals, creatures, crops or on the earth. Area 2 of Act 528 anyway specifies that the Agency may approve the importation of an unregistered pesticide in case of national crisis or if the Minister liable for the Environment by administrative instrument so recommends. 4.1 Available options in contrast to DDT The EPA has affirmed four pesticide items for remaining splashing purposes. These are Bistar 10 WP (Bifenthrin), Icon 10 CS (Lambda cyhalothrin), Delete 2.5 EC (Deltamethrin) and Vectoguard 40 WP (Pirimiphos methyl). These items have been attempted and tried by the WHO and suggested for leftover splashing against mosquitoes. 5.0 Possible issues related with the utilization of DDT in Ghana Issues related with the utilization of DDT in Ghana incorporate the accompanying: 5.1 Environmental issues DDT is a Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) and the impacts of the pesticide on the earth will increment if fitting measures are not taken to control its utilization/misuse whenever presented. Cleaning of locales debased by DDT and removal of outdated stocks is costly and troublesome and ought to be dodged where conceivable. 5.2 Possible abuse on horticulture The utilization of DDT in horticulture was prohibited since 1985. DDT is anyway extremely modest contrasted with different pesticides and furthermore known to be successful against a wide scope of creepy crawly bugs. These properties of the substance will make it exceptionally appealing to ranchers to twist on their yields prompting elevated levels of natural and human introduction when the pesticide is presented. DDT, which was recently utilized widely on cocoa in Ghana, is as of now not allowed by the European Union, Japan and different nations on cocoa. Whenever permitted in the nation, abuse on cocoa (a significant outside trade worker) could prompt dismissal of cocoa sends out by bringing in nations if buildups of the pesticide is identified. 6.0 Recommendations In light of the abovementioned, the EPA suggests that the Government of Ghana should oppose any outside weights to re-bring DDT into the nation since similarly compelling choices have been affirmed for use in the nation. The utilization of these elective pesticides ought to be escalated to control intestinal sickness in the nation. The Stockholm Convention possibly suggests the utilization of DDT if protected, compelling and moderate options are not locally accessible in a nation. Research Papers on USE OF Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane (DDT) in Ghana for Malaria ControlGenetic EngineeringPETSTEL investigation of IndiaThe Project Managment Office SystemInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfQuebec and CanadaThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductDefinition of Export QuotasNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice
The Advance of eBusiness Essay -- Internet Technology Businesses Essay
The Advance of eBusiness A significant cultural change that has come about because of the web is the multiplication of organizations on the web (eBusiness). Organizations on the web can be ordered into two kinds: the individuals who have physical stores outside of the web (like Gap) and those that were made for the sole reason for working through the web (like eBay). As indicated by Marshall McLuhan, in his book Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, â€Å"once another innovation arrives in a social milieu it can't stop to penetrate that milieu until each foundation is saturated†(241). I accept this is actually what the web has done to American and worldwide social orders. The web has soaked almost every part of life including training, recreation, correspondence, and most explicitly, business and trade. The quick increment in on-line organizations has made the accessibility of any items one might envision. More than likely, in the event that you can't discover what you are searching for in a st ore, you can discover it on the web. Furthermore, numerous organizations that were once fruitful without the web, have now come to overwhelm the new area of web deals. As it states in Principles of Web Design, amazing companies like AT&T, Disney, and Microsoft have extended their business chances to the web and have effectively come to rule business (106). Positive Aspects of eBusiness There are numerous positive and negative results of the multiplication of organizations on the web. From a positive ...
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Research Term Paper - Tips on How to Research
Research Term Paper - Tips on How to ResearchThe term paper has many components. It is the most important part of your academic development. An exam is not a sports competition. You have to get all the answers right to get into the best college or university.Academic writers know that you have a lot of time busy with work, kids, and a family. They spend their time preparing the paper in advance so that it will be of great help for the reader.There are so many resources that you can use in order to prepare your term paper. One of the most important aspects is the research. This article will give you tips on how to research.The research in your term paper is just like the research that you do in your regular study. It includes research on your topic. Before starting with your research, you need to find out the main ideas that you want to include in your paper. You can start your research by asking your friends and family members about their research and experiences. You should note dow n all their answers as well as the most important points that they will share.The next step for the research is to gather information about the topic. The best way to do this is by reading the research papers in the market. Reading books is another good way to get the information that you need. You can also do some online research, because you can get instant results. However, you need to understand that online sources are not reliable and may contain some incorrect information.Writing is the next step. Once you have gathered the information about the topic, you can start writing your paper. Make sure that you choose the right kind of keywords in order to make your research easy. Choose relevant keywords that can provide good quality information. However, it is advisable to use hyphens instead of spaces in your keywords to make it easier for the reader.Another important tip for the research is that you must write the key term paper within a specific period of time. It is not a good idea to rewrite your research for each subject. Rewriting will only waste your time.Your research term paper should be a one-page paper. It should not take more than two hours to complete. Do not be nervous about your research. It is better to be stressed once than to become frustrated later.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Sapient - Free Essay Example
February 2005 Harvard Business School features Sapient as example of excellence in Leadership and Organizational Behavior â€Å"We need to be focused on our clients like no one else. And our desire for their success has to be unparalleled, it has to be. †Jerry Greenberg Co-Chairman and Co-CEO Sapient Harvard Business School (HBS) professors Joel Podolny and Rakesh Khurana recently chose Sapient to feature in a case study on leadership. Sapient is now one of a select group of companies featured in the school’s core curriculum and is taught to all 900 first-year MBA students as part of the Leadership and Organizational Behavior class. The case study follows the company from its beginnings in 1991 through its record-breaking growth, perseverance through the difficult business climate of 2001 and 2002, and return to profitable growth in the years following. The case study is not about the growth itself, but how the firm’s leadership and unwavering attention to its â€Å"strategic context â€Å" purpose, vision, goals, core values, and people- and client- value propositions  have enabled Sapient to adapt and thrive in a fast-changing market as they strive to build a great company that has a long-lasting impact on the world. Founded on a Single Promise From the start, Sapient’s single promise  to deliver the right business results, on-time and on-budget  was very appealing to executives who were extremely frustrated with projects going way over budget and schedule and, even worse, completed without the required business functionality. This is supported in the following excerpt from the case: Greenberg and Moore did not start a company simply with the purpose of moving with technological trends. From the beginning, they sought to build a long-lasting company that would help clients realize business impact from technology, something other consulting firms had not been able to consistently deliver. 1 Purpose and People The case study also describes how Sapient’s adaptability and success with clients can be traced to the company’s strong reliance upon and execution of its strategic context. From the earliest years of the company, Greenberg and Moore devoted tremendous time and energy to ensuring that all of Sapient’s people were keenly aware of how their actions onnected to this, as the following excerpt states: Their purpose and core values focused on client’s success. Sapient’s people understood that the purpose of a project was never to simply ensure that a technological system was put in place; rather the purpose was to meet some business goal, and a client engagement could only be considered successful when the business goal had been met, not when the â€Å"switch for the new system had been turned on. †2 The case is available to the public via the HBS Publishing web site www. bsp. harvard. edu For more information on Sapient, visit www. sapient. com Committed to Building a Great Company To succeed for 14 years in this industry required that Sapient continually adapted to changing client demands and technology trends. Greenberg and Moore believe Sapient has demonstrated that it is possible to deliver a new level of value in this industry, but their ultimate objective is to build a long-lasting, great company that will make an impact on the world. While the case study serves as a retrospective of the company’s journey to date, Moore and Greenberg insist that the Sapient story is far from over. â€Å"We’re not satisfied with Sapient †¦ yet,†according to Moore. â€Å"We won’t be satisfied until we’ve built something that will stand the test of time, something that has no close second. It would be intolerable to settle for anything less. †1 2 Khurana, Rakesh and Joel Podolny (2004), â€Å"Sapient Corporation,†HBS Case 9-405-04519, p. 1. IBID, p. 2.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
African American Influence On Music - 2019 Words
African American influence in music has been an ever present and controversial subject in American history. Stemming from many different cultures, religions and backgrounds, large portions of American music was introduced by, and credited to African Americans. Although in many cases, this music was used for entertainment by the masses or majority, contrary to popular belief, black music served a greater purpose than just recreation. Dating all the way back to the beginning of slavery in the U.S. during the 17th century, music has been used to make a statement and send a message. As African American music progressed over the years, there were common themes expressed as the genres evolved. It has been an open letter to the world, documenting and protesting the ongoing oppression faced by blacks in the United States, as well as an outlet for frustration. For many African Americans, the music gave them the only voice that couldn’t be silenced by their oppressors. Negro spirituals was a â€Å"genre†of music introduced by African American slaves in response to their lives and treatment by the white race. It gave many slaves the voice of opposition that they never had and allowed them to subliminally speak against their masters without fear of consequences. Said to have originated from slaves who were â€Å"Unable to read the Bible for themselves and skeptical of their masters’ interpretation of it†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Raboteau). These songs were â€Å"†¦ the message of the Christian gospel†¦ translated†¦ intoShow MoreRelatedAfrican Americans Influence On Music1229 Words  | 5 Pagesblack culture represented in most hip-hop; that is the dominating music genre that expresses African American views. It’s not so easy to remember where African Americans influence on music al began. Black influence on music today is really unrecognized but it’s important to bring to light just how much African Americans really have contributed to the sound, style, and feel of today’s music. Not just hip-hop or rap, but all kinds of music. There was one particular sound that really changed America andRead MoreRap Music And Its Influence On African American Youth1705 Words  | 7 Pages Music and society have always been closely related. For years now music has been apart of people’s everyday lives all around the world. Having so many different genres out there, it makes it easy to be appealing to so many different ethnic backgrounds. However, one type of genre in particular has seemed to grab the attention of a younger generation. Rap music has undoubtedly had its utmost impact on African American youth, since many of the performers themselves are African American. An overtlyRead MoreAfrican American People Have Had It Rough For Years1522 Words  | 7 Pages African American people have had it rough for years. But over time, they have influenced us beyond belief. One of the main things they influenced was music. So I am here to explain to you how the African American culture has done just that! For centuries, the color blue has been associated with sadness. By the mid- nineteenth century the expression â€Å"the blues,†was commonly known in this way. Throughout history, the blues was a regular feeling that African Americans experiencedRead MoreJazz And Jazz Culture1273 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is culture? What is African culture? What is Jazz music and where did it come from? How can one culture, in a sense, impact the musical landscape of the whole Western world and eventually assimilate into ‘pop’ culture? If we want to truly understand jazz and it’s concepts, we have to navigate through history and explore it’s roots. Simply put, jazz is African American music, and the genre, as we know, formed in New Orleans. However, the origins of jazz started well before then, in Africa. TheRead MoreEssay on Ragtime and Blues Influence on Jazz1377 Words  | 6 PagesParents of Jazz Jazz is a music genre that has complex characteristics and history of development and thus many musicians and scholars face troubles in defining what jazz is. In general, jazz is believed to have born in New Orleans. Jazz developed for the pleasure of the social dancers. According to the â€Å"Understanding Jazz: What Is Jazz?†of John F. Kennedy center for the Performing Arts, Jazz was created mainly by Afro-Americans, and had elements of European and Afro-American culture. Also, it emphasizesRead MoreThe Origin Of African American Music1462 Words  | 6 Pagesorigin of African-American music Nowadays, the United States has the largest music market in the world. Inheriting from the European tradition music from the European immigrants, American music has been deeply influenced by African-American music in both rhythmic and lyrical styles. African-American music includes a diverse range of music genres, such as blues, hip hop, jazz which are developed by African Americans. although these forms of African-American music may different a lot in music style,Read MoreMusic is an art that has been in this world for tens of thousands of years and has proven its900 Words  | 4 PagesMusic is an art that has been in this world for tens of thousands of years and has proven its abilities to bring people together and sometimes even make people happy. Although the jazz era ended almost a century ago, this time influenced by Louis Armstrong was a huge cultural shift that still remains in our society in which African-Americans are a vast part of our music industry amongst pop, rap, reggae, and more. Jazz was a unique form of music, there had never been anything like it before. ItRead MoreThe Evolution Of Music Throughout History934 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout history, music has and will probably always be at the heart of almost every culture. The evolution of music can be compared right along with the evolution of man and the beliefs in his era. This idea is very apparent in the articles â€Å"Minstrelsy†, â€Å"Johnny Rebel and the Cajun Roots of Right-Wing Rock†, and â€Å"Black Women and Black Men in Hip Hop Music: Misogyny, Violence and the Negotiation of (White-Owned) Space.†In â€Å"Minstrelsy†from â€Å"Encyclopedia of American Studies†it explains partRead MoreEssay on Jazz Ken Burns1444 Words  | 6 Pagescommentaries of African American artists, he retells history in an unconventional way that gives a more meaningful description than textbooks and encyclopedias. As Keith David explains, New Orleans was the home to two different social circumstances: it was the most â€Å"cosmopolitan city in America†as well as the center of the slave trade. New Orleans was a place filled with â€Å"people from all nationalities living side by side†who brought upon a musical â€Å"gumbo†of Caribbean rhythms, classical music, minstrelRead MoreThe Legacy Of Soul Music1509 Words  | 7 Pagesis a music genre that over five decades or so remains very popular in the music industry. This may be due to the fact that soul has had a huge impact upon other genres. Shuker defines soul as a â€Å"secular version of gospel, soul was the major black musical form of the 1960s and 1970s and remained evident in various hybrid styles since, for example, contemporary neo-soul and soul jazz (312). The history of soul music is notable for producing a range of artists who have assisted African-American societies
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